Thursday 22 January 2009



Personality is a persons unique make up, which consistently influences the way the person responds to his or her environment. Personality is Character, nature, temperament, make up, persona and identity. It is those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment.

-The external aspect is how a person interacts with other people.
-The internal aspect is a combination of their values and attitudes.
-The dynamic aspect is facing a new situation on how they behave for example social adjustments.
-The consistent aspect is their characteristic style.

Personality develops from the level of anxiety felt at being a dependent child.
-Going towards others (affection/affiliation) complaint, prefer brands
-Going against others (Power/ domination) Aggressive, old spice
-Turning away from others (isolation/ indifference) detached, drank tea, no brand loyalty

The big five scale of personality type
Openness to experience

Self concept is when people see themselves as they imagine pthers seeing them. Others see your publicly consumed goods. Therefore material possessions can be seen to be used as expressions of the shelf.

Self concept theory
-Newcomb defined self concept as the individual as perceived by that individual in a socially determined frame of reference.
-The perceived self influences the persons perception of the world around him.
-Self concept does not necessarily reflect reality- a person who is regarded by others as very successful may perceive themselves to be a failure.

-Self image- The kind of person we think we are.
-Ideal self- Is the kind of person we would like to be which may differ from our actual image. The larger the gap the lower the self esteem.
-Self esteem- is the extent to which we like ourselves.

1 comment:

Ruth Hickmott said...

Same comment as before 0 try to bring your own ideas and reflection into your postings