Generational marketing is the different methods to market to specific generations. Doing this affects the way we may promote or sell the products. Every generation has different things about them like they may have different charecteristics. That is why when promoting a product to a specific generation we do it according to how they may speak or act.
There are a couple of different generations and the are known as:
1. Millenials or generational 2001ers- these are the people that are born after the 1980's
2. Baby busters or generation Xers- these are the ones born between 1965 to 1980
3. Baby boomers- these are the ones born between 1946 to 1964
4. Mature citizens- these are the ones born between 1909 and 1945
In order to promote to specific generations effectively you need to catch their attention which things that will reason with them. Generational lifestyles and social values have a major influence on the purchasing of products and services. To succeed in generational marketing you must understand the what motivates them and also understand their generation values.
As every generation passes through the same life cycle from childhood to old age as these generations find their place in the society the marketing agencies need to acknowledge this very quickly so that they can build their brand loyalty which will stay with them for the rest of their loves.

Age subcultures is where a persons age may influence their habits or spending habits.
When people grow they share a cultural bond with the rest that are born at the same time and as they grow their needs and preferences change and match to those of the same age as them.

Age cohorts is a group of people of the similar age gone through similar experiences. Marketers mostly target people from one or more age cohorts. They realize that the age offering would not appeal to people form different age groups nor will the language or images they use.

Age cohorts is a group of people of the similar age gone through similar experiences. Marketers mostly target people from one or more age cohorts. They realize that the age offering would not appeal to people form different age groups nor will the language or images they use.

Now i will present to you specifics and charectaristics of one specific generation:
Baby busters- generation X'
The cohort of consumers between the age of 19 to 29 includes over 30 million europeans who will be a powerful force in the coming years. This group has been labelled as the generation X or the busters as they were affected by the economic downturn in the first part of the 1990's. So called baby busters include many people from in or out of education, whos priorities are beginning to include fashion, poppular Culture, Politics and Marketing.
Even though the the income of this age cohort is below expectations they still produce a formidable market segmentbecause many of them still live at home and and have more discreationary income.Busters in their twenties are estimated to have an annual spending of $125 billion and most of their purchases consist of products like beers, fast food and cosmetics.
Because these busters have been doing the house shopping for many years Marketing agencies find that these people are most sophisticated about advertising and evaluating products.They see advertising as a form of entertainment and are put of by overcommercialization. As a good Marketer you need to let them know that you know who they are, understand their values and you need to make them feel comfortable about it.
This is a video of a news advert as known the baby busters is the generation that may be most likely to read or watch the nes but this advert is entertaining for them.
1 comment:
USeful review - could always find more links but the main issues are covered
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