Saturday 28 February 2009


Values, attitudes and Involvement
Values represent behaviours that a person desires to have for example self-respect, excitment, warm relations with others and many more. If a person can recognise their values it can help shape a product. A product should be structured according to a persons attitude and behaviour. High involvement would consist of things like clothes, air, water where as the low involvement would be things like a pack of sweets. Organisations that want to market and sell their product in a very effective way do market research to find out these values for example several values were assosiated with attitudes which can influence buyer behaviour for high and low involvement as there can be a range of different food choices taking from snack foods to convinience food.

Look at this video it is not that attractive but i think it tells us something about how these three things relate.
As stated by Laurent and Kapferer (1985) that the level of involvement will be affected by four components one of which is the risk of FTPEPS which is:
The things that i would personally have an involvement in would be Finance, performance, ego and social due to my age. If we were looking at an older generation maybe the higher involvements in their life would include the physical bit or time as most retired people do have alot of time on hand.

Looking at a print of the results to the harvard project test below:

It suggests that i have a strong preferance for white people over black people. I would say this is not true because i entirely believe that i have an equal preferance for both ways. It also suggests that i have a slightly stronger association between male and leader rather than female and leader. The test also suggests that our behaviour may be influenced by both our concious intentions and our implicit association. I believe this is true because most of us do tend to look at things in a way like some people find it more appropriate to look at males as females where as some people look at it the other way so everyone has a different preference but it onhe of the ways we get influenced by it.
My results state that my automatice associations may be sloght, moderate, strong or little to no preference.

After completing the VALS test it states that my primary VALS type is striver and my secoundary type is experiencer. The primary type represents my dominant approach to life and the secondary type represents a particular emphasis you give to your dominant approach.
I think it does pretty much represent to how you approach to things and also believe that i am an experiencer, which shows that the test does work.


Ruth Hickmott said...

Some slight misunderstandings in the first para but I like your reflection on the Harvard test

Husna said...

This blog has been changed