Sunday 22 February 2009


Heuristics, Memory and Nostalgia

These things mentioned above are a part of a persons attitude towards purchasing a product or the different options people have an influence for on buying a product.

Heuristic is known as a method that is used to help solve a problem, it is normally used to come up with a solution.
Heuristics is something people will look back onto when they want to make a decision in a hurry, for example they will tend to purchase from a store they usually go to or buy the same product they have purchased before instead of considering new options.

Just like this picture a customer can decide which product they want but have to come up with a solution from the range of different options they may have.
These kinds of decisions are not always beneficial for the consumers as for example if a customers has had a bad experience with a certain brand they will automatically refer to not making a purchase with them again. Telling others about the experience can also lead to them assuming that they will have the same experience rather than looking at the overall record of the organisation. Heuristics again is the rules that are made up in a customers mind which leads to making speedy decisions.Customers use this method as it is a way of helping them decide which kind of products they want to purchase and where would be the best place for them to purchase it from.

Learning is getting the knowledge out of what you see and memory is where you store the knowledge you get. Everytime you see an advertisement the objective behind it is for you to learn something from it and gain something out of it.

This memory process shows that when you gain information you store it in you memory and it is always kept there so that it can be found when needed.
It is usually said that the mind is like a computer in many ways because it allows input to the system and output is later used to retrieve the information. All the information that is entered in the memory system is entered in a way that it can be easily recognised.

Marketing businesses tend to use nostalgia in their adverts as this can help to gain customers attention as it brings emotions in and gets people to start thinking of their past days and the wanting for them to experience it all over again. They tend to do this by advetising with the things that people have already experineced to bring back the memories.
Looking at an example:
Looking at this video which is a car advert. The reason i think it relates to them using nostalgic theme is that he is refering every aspect of the car to how the olden times cars used to work. So he explains how the old time cars where so good which cannot be found today but how this speed racer is better that the old cars made.

Agencies use alot of nostalgic ideas for their adverts in todays times that their brands are now known as one of the best leading brands. They do this by either making an advert and trying to use the past features like they will either include very old songs or have the products look abit like the olden times.

1 comment:

Ruth Hickmott said...

This is a real improvement on previous postings - good stuff.