Thursday 22 January 2009



A woman
-Compliment her -Respect her -honour her
-Cuddle her -Kiss her -Caress her
-Love her -Stroke her -Tease her
-Comfort her -Protect her -Spend money on her
-wine and dine her -Buy things for her -Listen to her
-Care for her -Stand by her -Support her
-Hold her -Go to the ends of the Earth for her

A man
-Show up naked -Bring food

Gender responses
In a research a group of people were bought into a room and later asked to remember various items there.
The men remembered the big pictures like of an office like a location of a desk or a bookshelf.
The women remembered more intimate details like a vase of flowers in the corner or a picture of a husband and wife on a bookcase.

Men’s approach to buying and communication
Less patience with long copy.
Less disposed to pictures.
Look for clarity and simplicity.
Fewer men’s lifestyle mags than women’s lifestyle mags.
Men to be relatively obsessive and have narrowly defined hobbies.
Men look for humour in ads.
Men’s humour is more cruder and is likely to be aggressive.

Implications for advertisers
For women
Ads often are more detailed for example toiletry ads.
Women appreciate very fine distinctions, such as five different variations of shampoo for curly hair, straight hair, oily hair, dry hair etc.

In direct mail women respond to an emotional style.
Charities have tended to use a female/emotional style of writing in their fundraising mail shots.

For men
Toiletry ads focus on a single product.
Men think in a more macro way and need to be shown the big picture.
Men respond to a factual style.

A re written factual letter for men generated a response of 85% better than the original female pack.
When the male/factual version was sent to women response rate was 15% lower than the original.



I did not really take part in many activities that were involved in the enterprise week but i will explain about my experience to the event that i attended.

This was the week where a couple of events were held for all the students students studying business and marketing. There were a number of events we could attend where we could get help with the assignments we were working on. In these events we had a number of successful people from different organisations that were there to answer any questions we had including Alan rich.

I could manage to attend one of the events where we had a couple of graduates from our institution for example Rob Mullet who was there to ask questions to get the rest of us started and to give us some information they though e would need as they have been where we are now.
Some of the questions asked at that particular event with answers

Q) How does the recession affect PR and Marketing?
A) Accountable budgets- the businesses should know what their budget is. They should focus on the brands that they think will go ahead.
They will not reduce their market budget, they will concentrate and focus on hundreds of brands.
PR- There is no solution because there is no problem.
Measurement- They should not do it if the can’t measure it.
Accountability- They have to think of how transparent they will be and how their brands will be.
Innovation- What is the stand out factor.

Q) Agencies are employing white middle class people under the age of 40 is this a problem?
A) It is true in advertising agencies not in advertising as a whole. IPA has launched a diagonal thinking, its meant to demonstrate if you are unbalanced to work in the marketing industry. Although agencies are trying to change that fact.

Q) Is there a danger that advertising will lose its role and become part of PR and so on?
A) Looking to achieve revenue growth and no petition from different agencies that is where the competition comes from. Everything is changing from media to digital. It is all about selling stuff. If the message is not right and the product is not right then it won’t attract consumers. New ways of reaching to customers should be accountable. Brands have to evolve and adapt in order to survive.

If you are positioning yourselves as business advisors it is your duty to let them know if anything is wrong with their brand before advertising.
Advertising is a powerful force.

What i personally got out of this lecture was that most of the questions we would like to ask regarding our unit was answered. This was mainly because we had the higher level students asking questions and as they have already completed what we are learning they have a better idea of what we need in terms of understanding and positioning.
It helped me get an insight into the industry and the different kinds of agencies. I also gained alot of information on what job roles consist of and how they are different from the others together with being so relative to each other. I found it very helpful in terms of putting my assignment together as well, as the speakers that were there were very helpful for example alan rich has alot of experience in the marketing industry and having him giving out information gave me a very deep insight to what i want to do in the future.



Gender differences in world view values
From a number of academic researches and studies it shows that females tend to show a greater interest for people than males do. Nature explanations propose that human behaviour including moral behaviour is geared for reproductive and genetic purposes. Therefore primary caregivers which tend to be the females tend to foster nurturing whereas other parents such as males foster a competitive orientation. Nurture standpoints hold that these gendered roles and orientation are developed through cultural agents such as parents, media and schools.

Gender differences in information processing
Differences in processing style have been established in past research on gender and information processing by Meyers-Levy, 1989. According to the selective model which are the females processing entails effortful elaboration of message content, while males tend to heuristically process advertising information by focusing on cues. Some net ratings found that women typically spend more time looking at a web page than men do.

Advertising order effects
Past research in this area has shown that the order in which people encounter information may affect persuasion. The two main effects are primacy and recency. Primacy and recency effects can be explained through different psychological processes and factors like:
-Interest in the subject
-Overall involvement
-Attitude strength

Based on previous research on message order effects in persuasion, we know that subjects with high interest in a topic exhibited primacy, whereas those with low interest exhibited recency effects. Primacy effects occur when respondents are motivated to process the information and show greater critical thinking toward later information, whereas recency effects are observed when respondents are not motivated to process the information and therefore do not direct much attention to the task at hand. While recency and primacy seem to depend on the characteristics on the task or the processing environment, it is also important to consider gender based differences in information processing style.

Gender and advertising order effects hypotheses
As discussed, when the message environment does not call for a particular processing strategy, females tend to use and elaborating processing strategy while males use a scheme based. Primary effects occur under conditions consistent with high elaboration and recency under heuristic processing conditions. There for one should expect that:

1) as long as the task does not encourage a particular type of processing, females will exhibit more primacy effects than recency effects.

When the conditions do not favour extensive elaboration, males should use a low involvement heuristic, based on the most recent information. We expect:

2) as long as the task does not encourage a particular type of processing, males will exhibit more recency effects than primacy effects.

Our study supports the use of sex demographics to help explain persuasion but not necessarily targeting. Still advertising researchers should be aware of these findings and take them into account, and further establish what the advertising and media implications are.



Personality is a persons unique make up, which consistently influences the way the person responds to his or her environment. Personality is Character, nature, temperament, make up, persona and identity. It is those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect how a person responds to his or her environment.

-The external aspect is how a person interacts with other people.
-The internal aspect is a combination of their values and attitudes.
-The dynamic aspect is facing a new situation on how they behave for example social adjustments.
-The consistent aspect is their characteristic style.

Personality develops from the level of anxiety felt at being a dependent child.
-Going towards others (affection/affiliation) complaint, prefer brands
-Going against others (Power/ domination) Aggressive, old spice
-Turning away from others (isolation/ indifference) detached, drank tea, no brand loyalty

The big five scale of personality type
Openness to experience

Self concept is when people see themselves as they imagine pthers seeing them. Others see your publicly consumed goods. Therefore material possessions can be seen to be used as expressions of the shelf.

Self concept theory
-Newcomb defined self concept as the individual as perceived by that individual in a socially determined frame of reference.
-The perceived self influences the persons perception of the world around him.
-Self concept does not necessarily reflect reality- a person who is regarded by others as very successful may perceive themselves to be a failure.

-Self image- The kind of person we think we are.
-Ideal self- Is the kind of person we would like to be which may differ from our actual image. The larger the gap the lower the self esteem.
-Self esteem- is the extent to which we like ourselves.



The identifiable profilers become the basis for segmentation for example:
-Social class
-Colour and type of hair

In the Victorian times carbolic soap, bright red in colour with a very interesting fragrance was used to clean everything form washing the floor to also washing your body.
Nowadays we have different shampoos or products for example for greasy hair, dry hair, blonde hair, red hair, brunettes, dyed hair, tinted hair, grey hair, thin hair, curly hair, damaged hair, frequently washed hair and for dandruff as well.

Thinking of teeth and toothpaste there are a wide range of products available like to prevent gum diseases, for white white teeth, to protect against tooth decay, for added confidence or specially for babies. People use toothpaste for fresh breath, for the pain during brushing or also to get the cigarette smell away.

What is STP Marketing
-S- segmentation
-T- targeting
-P- positioning

Segmentation by Smith (1957). Segmentation is based on the observation of evolution of demand and represents a more precise and rational adaptation of the product and the marketing effort to meet customers or users demand.
Segmentation by Kotler (2000). The subdividing of a market into homogenous subsets of customers, where any subset may conceivably be selected as a target market to be reached with a distinct marketing mix.

STP Marketing by Doyle

The reason we segment is so that we can better match our customer needs by increasing brand quality.
To enhance profits by raising prices in some premium sectors.
To retain customers through FLC.
To target communications and to market segment share.
-Effective- truly different needs from other segments?
-Identifiable- how can you find those people?
-Profitable- is the segment big enough to offer real profits?
-Accessible- can you reach this group easily?
-Actionable-can it be done?