Friday 7 November 2008

WEEK 3 17TH October, 2008


In this session we carried out a number of experiments to test out perceived quality and peoples power of sensing things. We carried out a number of experiments which were smelling different kinds of shampoos of different makes, smelling different perfumes, eating chocolate without looking at it but by touching it and tasting it, we also tasted diet Pepsi and diet Coca cola by pouring them in the same cups and then tasting them.

The shampoo experiments results showed that mostly females have a very strong smelling sense as all of them could tell which one was a male shampoo as it is strong scented. The result on the chocolate experiment showed that gender does not matter but quality is important as all the people that tasted them stated that galaxy and Cadbury’s tasted better than the other one and were also aware of which one is the most expensive chocolate out of them all. They all stated that the cheap chocolate tasted horrible and they could tell it was cheap. I personally think that people can tell the quality of the product they eat which means these people would have a strong tasting sense. With the Coca cola and the Pepsi experiment the results were that almost everyone except one male found that Pepsi tasted better but actually stated that it was coke they tasted whereas the only male who was right stated that the product did taste better but was actually Pepsi. I think that Pepsi does taste better than coke but people tend to have a perception that Coke tastes better because of the brand name. At the same time you cannot tell the difference between the two by looking at them as they look exactly the same.


1 comment:

Ruth Hickmott said...

You are doing well with this now - good use of the technology. Now try to develop the accademic side a bit more with deeper ccoverage of the theory we discuss